Saturday, July 17, 2010

The former has passed.

So no promises but I am going to attempt to update this atleast every other day. Any of you who know me well know writing is not one of my gifts at all-- but hey that is what grace is for. ;-)

Today was a really special day for me, more than normal. We left the house late this afternoon and met up with some friends for a bit and went our ways. We have a few families we try and see at least once a week and are building a relationship/mentorship/discipleship with and were headed towards where they sell roses. On the way I noticed a woman sitting on the side of the street Kiera and I both went and sat with her and simply asked her named and how she was. Her name was Marta and there was a beauty in this woman I instantly fell in love with. Holy spirit gave us a word of knowledge for her legs, she said she had broken her left ankle and it was hurting her badly. We of course asked if we could pray-- instantly healed. We talked some more and asked if there was anything else. Then finding out she had slight cataracts in both of her eyes and could barely see-- again instantly healed. The tears started flowing as she opened up her heart and shared about her family and so on. Moments later we had a new sister in Christ. What an amazing picture of His love! We were able to bless her with dinner and enough money to buy rice for her family and get her oldest son out of jail.

Right afterwards walked down to see if one our families was working and sadly could not find them, but we did find our sweet friend little Micah. We talked to Micah's mom which is the woman Anna was staying with. Through out the conversation we found out Anna is living with her mother again and is on close watch. Please continue praying for her she is not at in a safe place. Kiera and I sat with them for several minutes and then said good-bye.

Right afterwards walked down to see if one our families was working and sadly could not find them, but we did find our sweet friend little Micah. We talked to Micah's mom which is the woman Anna was staying with. Through out the conversation we found out Anna is living with her mother again and is on close watch. Please continue praying for her she is not at in a safe place. Kiera and I sat with them for several minutes and then said good-bye.

We were too far to walk home so we hailed a taxi the first three were charging a ridiculous amount so we said no, and we walked up to the fourth taxi and both of us just new something was up. It was pretty silent for a while and I asked Kiera to ask him if he had any pains in his body. Of course he did-- a sore throat. We prayed for him, and afterwards swallowed then looked at us shocked and asked what we just did to make it go away. We told him and then began prophesying over him, encouraging him on his marriage and just life. When we pulled up to the families house we are staying with right now we asked if he wanted to know this man who loved him enough to heal him, and share his heart with us. Praise the Lord he said yes and by the end of the prayer was crying, full of love, and free.

One thing that is amazing to me is that when we sit on the sidewalks and simply talk and love on the beggars, out casts, homeless, and vendors people stop and stare. Almost as if we are doing some crazy magic trick. Peru is dry-- they are so unaware of Gods love. The way they do street ministry here is so formed by methods, and rules. Not personal love encounters, but a quick repeat after me prayer and then walk off. I want to do ministry the same way Jesus did 'Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.' Mathew 10:8

I want to minister out of love, not mine... but His.

Loving through His love,
-Naomi Fowler

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Let your testimony shine through me!

Hmmm... God is so good. I wish words could describe His just love and jealousy over us.

So Sunday was a ground shaking day for me, at 11 am service at Riverstone I was serving on the ministry team at the end two people were healed, one from a back injury and another from I believe it was pulled neck muscle. It was amazing to see His power, to be carrying the same power that conquered the grave in my hands. Hm... Soak that one up for a second. To Him be ALL the glory... Thank you Holy spirit for your power you paved a way through us with.

So this is when heaven started rejoicing and it got RADICAL so after Riverstone's 10th anniversary a group of us college kids decided to go to Starbucks on Barrett Parkway. About ten minutes into sitting down Cassie said she was getting a word of knowledge for someone in the Starbucks, and her left shoulder was really hurting. None of us really jumped on it and kind of went on talking, so about twenty minutes later I freaked out and asked Cassie if it was her left or right shoulder that was hurting, because my left shoulder had begun to profusely hurt, and my heart was racing to many beats a minute.
So Cassie confirmed it was her left shoulder then began to stand up and announced to the table of us she was going to just walk around and ask any one if they had been having problems with their left shoulders. So I replied quickly that God was NOT a God of guessing nor did he have any intentions in making us play twenty questions to answer his SPECIFIC word. So then we would have more faith when he was proven true, and more authority in our prayers!

So as soon as I said that I knew that the two guys sitting behind it was one of them so then the Holy spirit made it pretty clear it was specifically one of them. So I told Cassie and she marched right on over. And it ended up being the guy he showed us (ha not a big surprise). So we laid hands and healed Him in Starbucks. Soon after that somehow we all broke up into groups and were reading bibles, praying, prophesying, being anointed in the Holy spirit, sharing His stories he performed in us. It was power, it was amazing.

All this to say, God did not make us to merely pray for the sick, but to HEAL the sick. To have the same authority and power Jesus carried, to be molded into His image, His identity.... to simply be HIM!

Loving through His love,

Friday, May 15, 2009

Super soaker

Hm... so these last two weeks have been A LOT of changes. Last Saturday was my last performance on "For His glory" dance company, and today will be my last day working at Evans Technology. And this morning it all of the sudden hit me, after today I am going full force into the area the Lord is calling me in..... It's no longer about me, not that it ever should have been. But I even more so now get to just scream His name all the time. Have his name written acrossed my forehead, branded on my heart.

So here is my hearts cry for this next season in my life. I want to be so drench in the Holy spirit, so wrapped in my Fathers love, that people would be able to feel it by talking to me, by hugging me, be just being around me. That I would be a dwelling place for Him, That even while I am driving that I would be so covered in His love that as people are driving by me that His love would go into their car, and their cars would take that love and carry it to where ever they are going. Sooner or later that love would touch everyone.

Hmm so that is my hearts cry.

So today I was to be drenched in His love and mercy. I want them to see Jesus in me!

Loving through His love,


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Would you please complete me

Marriage... so its happening. I look around and a large portion of my friends are engaged or married. And the ones of us who are not are beginning to have our hearts transfixed on the idea of being completed by someone. We yearn to be held, to be loved in a way that we think only our spouse can complete that 'void'.

Thats when my reality check came in. God did not create a man to complete me. He did not create my future husband to be my "other half". He created man and wife to separately reflect a different side of the Lords heart. And when they unite we get to bask in that aspect of the Lord's reflection I do not have but a man has, or a man does not have but a woman has. He is a jealous God, and he created a man and wife to not draw closer together but closer to Him. To have a relationship so holy that within each other they yearn for the Lord, and keep each other accountable.

So thats when reality check number two smacked me. Men are not supposed to be our source of love and beauty. No man will ever make me feel as beauty, as loved, as ravished and the Lord can. He created us so that we could draw close to Him and be fulfilled. No draw close to a man, yes he created them to love us, and us to respect them. But I will NEVER be able to fulfill my husbands desire to be respected nor him fulfill my desire to be loved. Because first we have to find out security in Jesus Christ, the ones our hearts were made for.

Today take time to bask in His love and affections for you. Do not seek a shallow relationship to fill the void, because it will always be void. Yearn for His love, let your heart beat to the rhythm of his heart. Focus on His beauty.

Loving through His love.

A compus.

So one of my biggest prayers recently has been to really be an "arrow" pointing to Christ. I have probably been praying that about 75 percent of the time for the last 4 months. Well last night I was talking to an amazing man of God and he just mentioned I really liked that phrase. Then all of the sudden I just started laughing.
I did not even realize what to the extent of what I was praying. To be an arrow it is only possible to point in ONE direction. There is no half pointing, no jaded arrows, no confusion. But it is an intentional direction you are choosing to direct people to! There is no possible way to be an arrow directing people to heaven, and be pointing at myself.
It gave a whole new meaning to the die to yourself daily, and pick up your cross.

So today, look to see where your arrow is pointing. Where are you directing people to look? What is the path you are creating? Be living a life of intentional pursuit of the Holy spirit.

Loving through His love,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day dream

'Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart.'
Ps. 37:4

So this is by far one of my favorite verse. But I feel like a lot of times this is manipulated to our "own" translation. No where in that verse does it say "Naomi Fowler's heart desire is to be 5'2." As much as I would like it to translate to that, not so much. Maybe in heaven.

But it says first DELIGHT your self in the Lord. Meaning hang out with Him, spend time in the secret of secret places, growing intimacy with Him. If we are truly living a life yearning for the Lord. Putting Him on the front burner for EVERYTHING we would start to be very close to Him. Well generally when you get extremely close to someone, and start spending long periods of time with them you start to become like them. Yes, how cool is that? We can become like Jesus if we take the time. So if we start to be like Jesus sooner or later we will start to think like Jesus. Starting to follow me here a little bit?
If we start to think like Jesus we will start wanting the same things Jesus wanted. So then our hearts desires will become in unity to the Lords desires. Our deepest desires, are the same of the Lord's. No this verse isn't a fortune cookie, its not a fun little verse. It is deep and rich in

So today bask in the secret place with the holy of holy's. Grow in intimacy with him so you can truly become a reflection of Jesus an arrow pointing start up. Only then will you desire the things the Lord MADE you to desire. Only then will you be truly satisfied.

Loving through His love,

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

He loves me... he loves me not... he loves me.

Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Mathew 22:37-40

So pretty much every christian has heard this verse. Seems pretty generic not a big deal.

But when you think about it, it is pretty powerful.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart: that means no desires before Him, that the love you have for God is deeper and more passionate then any earthly thing or person.
Soul: That you are not living out of the flesh but being sensitive to the spirit at all times. Watching out out for His pulls through out each day.
Mind: Purifying yourself in the most brutal honest way. No one knows your thoughts but the Lord. Continuing to put Him first through every circumstance, creating a pure and holy life style.

I mean yes that part is important but this was the part that got me excited. If we are a hundred percent living in love with the Lord. And putting Him first in heart, soul and mind, there is NO way we could possibly not love His people. Because to love the Lord you have to love His children.

A lot to swallow, eh?

Today see where you thoughts are taking you, what your heart is beating after, what your soul is yearning for. Start directing it to the Lord, and start loving through Him, for Him.

Loving through His love,